Full Gospel Native Missionary

Many salvations, churches under construction and a move of God
Isaiah 58:7
“Is it not to break your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into the house; when you see the naked, to cover him; and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?

Greetings beloved in Jesus. Praise the Lord for fixing my computer. Yes, I am sending you my letter a little late because my computer had quit; but it is working great now. Today is so beautiful with the warm sun bringing cheer through my office window.
I am so grateful to have this time with you through letter. I thank you for caring for the mission field and the needs of those in poverty in Mexico, the Philippines and India. Let me remind you, that prayer is a very strong asset of my life and I pray for you. Jesus hears about you every day and I thank you for your prayers. Thank you for praying for our pastors and the work, too.
This past month we had such cold, icy, snowy weather and sickness all around us. I had to miss some church services due to many in the homes with the flu and that crazy COVID that keeps coming around. But this morning as I began to preach, I felt a move of God as He stirred within those who were there.
There was a new resident who heard singing in the hallway and asked his niece who had come to visit him if she would bring him down to the music. I could see his mouth gently moving with each song. In fact, there were several singing, many, their voices are so tiny they barely can be heard.
The niece visited with me after the church service thanking me for being there. She said her uncle can barely hear, but he heard the music and asked if he to go. She was going to take him away after the songs but he wanted to stay. He listened during the message and she said he kept saying, AMEN! AMEN! She said he usually can’t hear, but he heard that message. She said he often goes to sleep, but he followed every word and loves being there now because he can go to church.
Here is Debby, she sang and worshipped and was loving on Jesus. I asked her if she would sing a special and she declined. Service was over and I had passed out snacks to everyone then Debby asked for the microphone. I gave it to her and she sang “He Touched Me” with such an anointing. It was evident that the Holy Spirit indeed had touched her during the service this morning.
I was supposed to have another church service this afternoon but Covid was back in that facility. I ask that you please pray for the elderly in the nursing homes.
I’ll be attending a Pastor’s Retreat in a couple of weeks. It will be the first one I’ve been invited to and not be preaching. It is only 3 days, but so looking forward to visiting other pastors. But honestly, after the messages the Holy Spirit has been giving me, I’m ready to preach.
We sent another installment for church renovation in India, what an answer to prayer. I hope to run ahead of schedule and fully fund it by the end of next month. This is Pastor Santhosh church that took five hours to drive down the windiest, full of holes, narrow road.
The old church and parsonage were demolished and ground broke for new construction. That’s the same church that had the speaker on top of the church and I visited the houses nearby and prayed for people who couldn’t come to church.
Then we are ready to send the foundation support for Pastor Babu. His faith is strong. He said, the faith of the people will grow if you only help with the foundation. The church people are being stirred in their faith and last month alone they had 5 new converts who also followed through in water baptism.
It was Pastor Babu’s son who committed to a 21 day fast seeking God. When his fast was complete the Holy Spirit called him into ministry so he has joined his dad in ministry as well as our Elim Bible School.
The Spirit of God is moving among our pastors and they are encouraged to do more for Christ. But also, this has stirred the enemy and they have been under spiritual warfare. Pastor Spurgeon said this past month has been one battle after another, but also, at the same time, they are doing more for God than ever.
Pastor Spurgeon said they have been reaching into the surrounding area of their home church which is also the orphan’s home and Bible School. More neighbors have started coming to church and just recently one man was delivered from demon possession after much prayer. He sent me a video of the encounter with the man in church.
They were gathered around him as he sat on the floor. Another young man was holding him from behind. They anointed his head with oil multiple times while in continuous prayer. Even the orphan children were gathered and praying. Finally, Spurgeon began to pray with authority and power using the name of Jesus and that man was delivered. They began singing a praise song and the children burst in praise in the song and rejoiced in their native tongue.
Pastor Spurgeon had a salvation in his church a couple of weeks ago and they are planning baptism very soon.
Pastor Samuel had 5 new salvations in his church last month. They went to the beach for their baptism. Pastor Samuel is standing in the middle holding his bible. He is a little stature, but he is mighty in God. He boldly preaches the gospel.
Pastor Samuel had a stroke two years ago and had surgery to put a stint in his heart. He has had much prayer and it made a difference because he keeps preaching the gospel.
I just love our pastors and our churches who are lifting up the name of Jesus. Our pastors are dedicated. I am so grateful for you who help support our native preachers. They are worthy of support and especially your prayers.
Our pastors are in places of persecution for their faith. Most of them are in places where the people are poor. These are the pastors your support is helping to spread the gospel.
Pastor Joel in the Philippines just celebrated his 31st birthday. He invited his congregation and also some friends to his birthday party and then he preached the gospel. What a great birthday plan – win people to Jesus.
Joel says they are now planning the church summer family camp and water baptism. He says church services, bible studies and home visitations are going well. He says in between that he also is doing discipleship for new believers.
Joel says after the health issues he went through over the past several months; he is so grateful for the opportunities God is giving him.
Blanca in Mexico is a powerhouse. She continues to lead teams and not only hit the streets, but knock on doors, one by one, “Hola, (can I tell you about Jesus? Can I pray for you?”) She goes out every Saturday and often in between. She has Tuesday night Children’s church and opened a second one Friday night in another village. The children are all getting saved. Her support increases every few months because of her outreaches, but she is often in need of food. She feeds children and adults and your support of Mexico is a great help.
Thank you so very much for all you do. Your support makes a world of difference and I love and appreciate you so much. Thank you for your letters, too. I love them. I wait to hear from you soon. Thank you and God bless you.
With love in Jesus,
Sis. Heather Becker

2025 brings us to prepare and plan for the future. In planning, please remember to write your will. Your loved ones need you and your planning will help in a great time of need.
Please remember the mission field who also has needed you. Thank you for keeping your part going on the mission field through Full Gospel Native Missionary in your will. God bless you.